Proud Provider of Red Cross Training in

First Aid


OSHA compliant certification

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Get certification from our licensed

American Red Cross training providers for

Adult & Pediatric

first aid · CPR · AED

Acquire essential skills in adult and pediatric first-aid response, CPR, and the usage of AED devices through our comprehensive training and certification. Gain vital knowledge and techniques that will allow you to confidently handle various emergency situations, including responding to unresponsive individuals, performing compressions on infants, and effectively managing choking incidents. Allow us to empower you with the necessary skills to confidently respond to unforeseen emergencies.

OSHA compliant for workplace certification · 2-year certification


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Basic Life Support

Basic Life Support is the foundational CPR/AED program typically required for healthcare providers and public safety professionals. It uses lecture skills, demonstration practice, and case-based emergency response scenarios, with a focus on team-based response. The Basic Life Support course builds critical thinking, problem-solving, and team dynamic skills needed to drive better patient outcomes. 

OSHA compliant for workplace certification · 2-year certification

We also offer the following classes:

American Red Cross classes with adult components only:

  • Adult First Aid · CPR · AED
  • Adult CPR · AED 
  • Adult First Aid · CPR · AED · BBP

OSHA compliant for workplace certification · 2 year certification

Bloodborne Pathogens Training –  100% Online

Designed for those who are at risk for on the job exposure to blood and other bodily fluids in the workplace. The course teaches staff how bloodborne pathogens are spread how to avoid exposure and what to do if exposed to infectious material. This course is one of the requirements of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. After taking this course students should talk with their employer about their workplace’s specific policies and procedures. Those who complete the training receive a Bloodborne Pathogens Training certification valid for one year.

Infant component only – Online

an American Red Cross class

Essential life-saving techniques for infant emergencies.

Learn CPR compressions compatible with infants, how to use an AED on infants, and how to respond when an infant is choking- entirely online!

*There are no certifications provided for this class *

Wilderness & Remote First Aid – Online 

an American Red Cross class

Take this knowledge of essential life-saving techniques on your next adventure!

Acquire knowledge of first aid procedures for remote areas, and learn the appropriate procedures for evacuation.

*There are no certifications provided for this class *

Classes Being Offered Now:



It could be you they need

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